I’m no Dr. Spock, but this is a conversation I had with a listener/parent a week ago.… MORE

I’m no Dr. Spock, but this is a conversation I had with a listener/parent a week ago.… MORE
Being a Chicago Cubs fan is tough on a person… MORE
Facebook: Half my friends on Facebook post pictures of the food they eat, the other half post pictures of children.… MORE
I don’t have any tattoos. It’s not that I don’t like them… MORE
The hay is in the barn, but there are no horses to feed… MORE
On the American version of the TV show “The Office”, Steve Carell’s character Michael Scott once found himself having money problems.… MORE
Like I’ve mentioned recently, it’s spring cleaning time… MORE
No Post Season for Boise State! Ugh, really?… MORE
March is always my favorite month of the year… MORE