Category Archives: Uncategorized

100 Days

100 Days

100 days out of 1461 in a term does seem random, but you have to start somewhere.MORE

2017 Corvette Giveaway

Fairly Reliable Bob’s, KBOI-TV 2, and 670 KBOI Radio present the Corvette Giveaway to benefit JDRF! Win a Beautiful Classic 1978 Silver Anniversary Corvette!  1978 was the 25th Anniversary for the Corvette. To commemorate this milestone, Chevrolet built a very special two toned silver Corvette and you can win this one! JDRF provides funding for…MORE

THX 1138

THX 1138

Sometimes I think technology is advancing too quickly.  I’ll use this as an example.  There’s a company headquartered in Sweden called Epicenter.  They build office buildings, workspaces and labs and help new businesses set up operations.  Recently, the company offered its 2,000 employees the opportunity to each have an RFID microchip implanted in their bodies. …MORE