Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ada County Property Tax Assessments Are in the Mail

Ada County Property Tax Assessments Are in the Mail

Boise (670 KBOI News) – Ada County property tax assessments are in the mail, and you might want to be sitting down when you open yours. Assessor Bob McQuade says property values are up about 12% this year, and while that doesn’t mean assessments are up that much, many taxpayers could see about a 5% increase.…MORE

Memorial Day growing up

Memorial Day growing up

Memorial Day was my favorite holiday when I was a youngster growing up in Illinois. It was a long weekend full of relatives, great food, and, of course, The Indianapolis 500 automobile race. Memorial Day marked the first family reunion of the summer. Family reunions used to be a big deal all those years ago.…MORE

Memorial Day thoughts

Memorial Day thoughts

Last night, my son graduated from Capital High School.  That’s why my in-laws are in town.  Two came to Boise from Warrenton, Virginia, and two from Fairfax, Virginia.  Both towns are just minutes from Washington, DC. I recommend that every American visit Washington, DC if it’s within your means to do so.  See the Capitol,…MORE

Worthington BLOG: Memorial Day Weekend 2018

Worthington BLOG: Memorial Day Weekend 2018

  Memorial Day Weekend 2018 First thing, I will take time on Monday to honor those who fought and died for our country. I hope you do too. My grandfathers both fought in World War II. My uncle Fought in Vietnam. My brother survived 2 tours in the Middle East. I am happy to say,…MORE

Proud of my Mom!

Proud of my Mom!

It is always strange for me to celebrate Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is more with my wife as the mother of my child than my actual mother, who has been dead for more than 40 years. My wife’s mom is still here, so the day usually starts with brunch. My mom was somewhat of a…MORE

I love you Mom!

I love you Mom!

In writing this, I realize my Mom has had an amazing journey. Growing up in the 30’s & 40’s, and wanting to become a Catholic nun. Changing her mind, finding herself wanting a family and career. Meeting my Dad. Dating him from 1962 to 1972. Marrying my Dad. Having me. Going to nursing school. Getting her…MORE

For Mother’s Day, a salute to an amazing young lady…

For Mother’s Day, a salute to an amazing young lady…

It’s been 2 1/2 years since the passing of my Mom.  She made it to the century mark of 100 years. She was an amazingly loving and caring mother. I could write this about her, but I want to take the opportunity for this coming Mother’s Day to salute my Daughter Amber! She’s grown into an absolutely…MORE

What Mom Taught Me

What Mom Taught Me

Mother’s Day is this Sunday.  The most important thing my mother ever taught me was how to censor myself.  I don’t mean that she told me not to swear.  She did, I’m sure, but it wasn’t a subject that came up very often.  We weren’t a swearing family.  Swearing was something that some people did…MORE

The Most Incredible Mom = My Wife

The Most Incredible Mom = My Wife

  The Most Incredible Mom = My Wife This Mothers Day, I would like to take a moment to recognize the amazing efforts of the most incredible Mother I have ever seen or heard of. She is my wife, and I think you will agree with my assessment after hearing what she has done in…MORE