Category Archives: Uncategorized

Friday Night Lights for Boise State

Friday Night Lights for Boise State

  Friday Night Lights for Boise State Blog By: Rick Worthington   The latest TV schedule for the Mountain West has been announced, and once again this year, Boise State will have a prominent position on Friday night. The Broncos’ home games against both Marshall (Friday, Sept. 6) and Air Force (Friday, Sept. 20) will…MORE

COMPASS Estimates Valley Population  at 712K, Nampa over 100K

COMPASS Estimates Valley Population at 712K, Nampa over 100K

Boise (670 KBOI News) – With one year to go until the 2020 US Census, the Treasure Valley’s community planning association is making an educated guess at how many people are living here. COMPASS, the Community Planning Association of Southwest Idaho, is estimating the total population of Ada and Canyon Counties together is 712,200. They start…MORE

Read the Mueller report for yourself HERE!

Read the Mueller report for yourself HERE!

Yes, its 448 pages long. Yes, It’s redacted. Weekend reading for those of you avid readers. For those of you worried about context, media bias, partisan politics, etc. Use your own eyes! While I pride myself on my opinion as does Kasper, Chris, Rush, Shapiro, Levin, Savage, and everyone else over the air, internet, neighbor,…MORE

We Need Walter Cronkite Now More than Ever

We Need Walter Cronkite Now More than Ever

Most of us, who are over the age of 40 remember the CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. At one time, Walter Cronkite, was not just the most trusted name in news, he was the most trusted person in America. Cronkite anchored the CBS evening news from 1962 till 1981. His nightly news program averaged…MORE

Spring football fans are true fans

Spring football fans are true fans

Football fans love to sit in judgment.  It’s part of the fun of watching the game.  When a pass play doesn’t work, it’s fun to turn to the guy next to you and say, “I don’t understand why they’re not running the ball.”  When a running play goes nowhere, it’s fun to say, “They should…MORE

Worthington BLOG: Should I Leave the Republican Party?

Worthington BLOG: Should I Leave the Republican Party?

Worthington BLOG: Should I Leave the Republican Party? Rick Worthington 4/3/19   I look at the “old republican guard” and it’s refusal to modernize and catch up with the rest of the country. I find new blood and new ideas are badly needed. I support government that it is accountable to the people and does…MORE

Worthington BLOG: Better days ahead for Boise State Men’s Basketball

Worthington BLOG: Better days ahead for Boise State Men’s Basketball

  Better days ahead for Boise State Men’s Basketball Blog by Rick Worthington I hope at the end of the season we don’t hear Boise State hoops fans calling for Leon Rice’s job. We will all agree this season has been far short of the standard set by Rice and his staff over the last…MORE

Remember the year 2000, when measels was almost gone?

Remember the year 2000, when measels was almost gone?

We’ve been talking about the Medical Emergency declared in Western Washington due to an outbreak of the measles this week on KBOI. At last check, there were 38 confirmed cases and 12 other children who are suspected to have the disease. The outbreak has now spread to 3 other states also…Hawaii, Georgia and Oregon. It’s…MORE

Another award, spring training…ya know…your usual retirement

Another award, spring training…ya know…your usual retirement

I have been retired for more than a month now, and people constantly ask me how it feels. It feels great, but I keep finding subjects that I would love to talk about on the air. Subjects that get my blood moving still pop up from time to time. Outside of a quick trip to…MORE