AG Labrador’s lawsuit rejected

The Idaho Supreme Court has rejected a lawsuit brought by Attorney General Raul Labrador concerning the open primaries initiative.

CBS2 reported in July that Idahoans for Open Primaries had gathered enough signatures to be on the ballot this November.

The Secretary of State’s Office announced, the initiative to end closed primary elections in Idaho and create a ranked-choice voting system for the general election has enough signatures for it to be on the ballot on November 5.

To qualify for the November election open primary supporters needed about 63,000 signatures.

Attorney General Labrador has alleged as part of the lawsuit that tens of thousands of those signatures were gathered through fraudulent means, a claim the organization denies.

An opinion released by the Idaho Supreme Court following the ruling says in part, that the matter should first be taken up by a lower court.

The rejection by the Idaho Supreme Court is based on procedural grounds.