Ridges to Rivers: Please Stay Off Muddy Foothills Trails

Boise (670 KBOI) – The forecast is calling for sunny skies and fairly warm temperatures this weekend, and that may have you thinking of heading out for some hiking or biking in the Foothills.

But David Gordon with Ridges to Rivers says by all means…don’t!

Gordon says with the trails as saturated as they are, people who hike or ride on them are doing substantial damage…

“They don’t want to get their feet muddy, or maybe they don’t want to ride their bike through the mud, so they start walking or riding their bikes off to the side of either the muddy trail sections, or the sections that are icy,” said Gordon.  “When they do that, the trail starts to widen, and the wider they get, the more they start to resemble small roads.”

The loss of trail side vegetation also makes erosion more likely come the heavy rains in the spring.

Gordon says if you really do feel the need to do some biking or walking, either use the Greenbelt, or go to their website to see a list of all-weather trails. Click here to see a list of margin weather trails, and for more information from the Ridges to Rivers website.