Finals Week at Boise State Offers Stress Management Activities

Boise (KBOI News) -It’s Finals Week at Boise State, and the Student Involvement and Leadership Center is rolling out the yoga mats and coffee to take some of the stress off.

Erin Mahn says students are the best people to minimize their own stress, by getting plenty of sleep and not trying to cram too much into their heads.

But if that’s not enough, there are activities to help.

“Dedicated distraction-free study rooms in the Student Union Building and the Library,” said Mahn.  “Campus Recreation offering stress-relief yoga classes, and of course we offer a lot of free snacks, coffee and even  free massages.”

There will also be coloring in the Library and Therapy Dogs in the Student Union Building.

Student can even celebrate when their finals are over, by shooting a few free games of pool, or bowling some free frames.

For a complete list of what’s being offered, where and when, click here.