Thursday, Feb. 27, 2025
Gov. Little Caves to Donald Trump on Subsidizing Private Schools
BOISE (Feb. 27, 2025) — The Idaho Joint Democratic Legislative Caucus released the following statement regarding Gov. Brad Little’s decision to sign House Bill 93, the Idaho parental choice tax credit, despite significant public opposition. According to Idaho Education News, 94% of those who testified in committee opposed the bill.
“Today, Gov. Brad Little betrayed his promise to Idahoans that he would stand up for public education and would veto any voucher bill that does not meet standards of fairness, accountability, responsibility, and transparency. HB93 has none of these, but, like so many Republicans, he bowed to out-of-state billionaires instead of prioritizing the needs of real Idahoans.
“The governor has sacrificed his legacy as a pro-public schools governor and a fiscal conservative by signing a bill that siphons public dollars to subsidize private school tuition for the wealthy. The people of Idaho can now expect what has happened in other voucher states: starved public schools, higher property taxes as local districts will be forced to run bonds and levies, and exploding state budgets that threaten infrastructure and public safety.”