The Ada County Highway District Commission will consider the adoption of the 2025-2029 Integrated Five Year Work Plan (IFWYP) during a public hearing tomorrow (Wed 9/25) evening.
The hearing will be held during the ACHD Commission meeting at 6 p.m. in the Michael L. Brokaw Auditorium at ACHD’s headquarters in Garden City.
The meeting will also be livestreamed and members of the public who wish to ask questions virtually can do so using Zoom.
The Intergrated Five Year Work Plan is ACHD’s short-term capital project plan that is updated annually and details when work is anticipated to occur on all road and intersection widening projects, bike and pedestrian projects, bridges, and maintenance work throughout all of Ada County.
Members of the public can view the proposed 2025-2029 Integrated Five Year Work Plan at, under the Projects tab