It’s against the law to put your trash in canals

That canal or ditch next to your back yard is not a convenient trash disposal system as a place to dump your lawn clippings, old tires, household trash, or debris from landscaping.

That’s the message from Treasure Valley irrigation delivery entities that operate approximately 1,500 miles of canals, laterals and ditches that carry and deliver irrigation water to agricultural and residential water users.

The safe and efficient delivery of irrigation water is so important that Idaho Statute (42-1209) specifically prohibits dumping any material into canals and ditches that can interfere with the delivery of irrigation water.

Debris builds up against trash racks and creates a potential for serious flooding.

It can also reduce the amount of water available to downstream users.

Lawn and garden waste can also create a potential environmental hazard to users due to the products that are used to treat the grass and other vegetation.