GOP does not support funding education after HS

The newly approved Idaho GOP platform will include opposition to funding education programs and technical education beyond high school.

Delegates voted on the platform Saturday morning during the final day of the three-day 2024 Idaho Republican Convention in Coeur d’Alene.

The Idaho Press reports there was a motion to strike the part of the proposed platform language that states the party doesn’t support “funding education with taxpayer money beyond high school” but the motion failed.

Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Debbie Critchfield told the Idaho Press after the session that she thought the change was made because of opposition to the Idaho Launch program.

Members of the Republican party have been divided in support for the program that provides grants to graduating high school seniors for higher education or job training programs for in-demand careers.

Critchfield said she’s optimistic that the intention was not to defund all higher education as a whole.