Idaho car crashes killed 70 so far this year

The Idaho Transportation Department and local police departments kicked off their yearly “100 Deadliest Days” campaign, an annual reminder to Idaho residents of the dangers of distracted and impaired driving.

Idaho’s 100 Deadliest Days starts on Memorial Day every year and lasts until Labor Day in September.

The Idaho Statesman reports that according to ITD, fatal and serious-injury car wrecks spike during the summer months, with distracted and impaired driving the typical causes.

According to ITD, summertime is the deadliest time for drivers because more people are out of school or work, on vacation, or celebrating a holiday or occasion.

This naturally leads to more distracted drivers on the road.

So far, in 2024, Idaho has witnessed 70 deaths from car crashes.

Six of those occurred in one incident in Bonneville County on May 18, when six people were killed and 10 injured during a two-vehicle collision.

As of May 24, seven motor vehicle deaths have occurred in Ada County and nine in Canyon County.