Free breakfast, lunch and supper served in Boise School District

Boise School District is pleased to share that we are providing free meals for all students regardless of eligibility status. Meal applications are not required for children to receive free meals. Breakfast and lunch are served at all Boise schools.

In cooperation with Boise Parks & Recreation and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ada County, suppers and/or snacks will be provided for after-school programs at Garfield, Grace Jordan, Hawthorne, Hillcrest, Horizon, Jefferson, Morley Nelson, Whitney, Whittier, and William Howard Taft elementary schools, as well as South and Hillside junior high schools.

The Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program will again be available at the following schools: Garfield, Grace Jordan, Hawthorne, Hillcrest, Horizon, Jefferson, Koelsch, Morley Nelson, Whitney, Whittier, and William Howard Taft elementary schools. This important program expands access to and improves consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, helping to make a difference in children’s health.

No Meal Application is necessary to receive free meals.