Idaho National Guard releases preliminary findings on Black Hawk helicopter crash


The Idaho National Guard released their preliminary findings on a Black Hawk helicopter crash that killed three pilots on February 2nd.

In the preliminary report, investigators did not find any mechanical issues with the helicopter.

Col. Christopher Burt of the Idaho National Guard says, although the weather was a significant factor the primary cause of the accident was the crew’s inability to complete the emergency procedure for inadvertent IMC.

Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Conditions or IMC happens when pilots lose visual contact with the ground because of the weather and it’s one of the most dangerous situations a pilot faces.

The Idaho National Guard trains for these scenarios using simulators, but Washington told us it normally takes 20 to 40 seconds to make the transition.

She explained the crew had only 14 seconds from the time the crew initiated Inadvertent IMC procedures to the time the aircraft impacted the ground.

The Idaho National Guard will continue their investigation into this deadly crash.