Nampa (670 KBOI News) – Nampa’s anti-panhandling signs are justified, because panhandling is illegal in Idaho and in the City…that’s what the City Attorney is telling the City Council.
It all comes down to how you define panhandling, says councilman Rick Hogaboam, because the City already has an ordinance against behavior associated with panhandling.
“There’s a city ordinance that refers to accosting and disorderly conduct, but there’s also a state statute, that refers to the solicitation of even donations in roadways, to include sidewalks,” said Hogaboam. “(Police) Chief Huff confirmed there have been citations in reference to the state statute.”
At the same time, Hogaboam says just holding a sign, and having people approach you to give you money probably is a matter of free speech.
He says instead of giving money to panhandlers…some of whom are making hundreds of dollars a day, philanthropic groups like the Salvation Army, the Lighthouse Rescue Mission and the Idaho Foodbank are probably better options.