Boise (670 KBOI News) – If your Idaho Driver’s License is expiring in November or December, the Idaho Transportation Department is going to help make it a little easier to renew.
Spokesman Vince Trimboli says they will temporarily let people renew their licenses by mail.
He says there’s still a backlog of customers after that week-long closure back in August, due to the new DMV software roll out.
“I figure in those five days, that was probably 10,000 transactions that didn’t happen,” said Tirmboli. “So that has really led to long lines, and you know, we have stabilized our system, but it’s still a little slow right now. It’s not the because of the County people, it’s just that we’re working on enhancing the solution to make it more efficient.”
He says they can’t make the mail in renewals permanent, because the new Star cards — which you’ll have to have by 2020 if you want to fly or go into a federal building or facility — can’t be sent through the mail.
He says they are looking at a possible online system…and might have a solution in the next month or two.