Idahoans Are the 5th Most Patriotic People in the USA

Boise (670 KBOI News) – Idahoans love their country.

With only days to go until our nation’s birthday, personal finance website Wallet Hub says Idahoans are among the most patriotic people in the nation.

Analyst Jill Gonzalez says they looked at a number of metrics, and they found Idaho ranks number 5 in the nation for patriotism.

“We looked at patriotism, really in every sense of the word,” said Gonzalez.  “We looked at veterans, per capita, military enlistees, Peace Corps volunteers, and also the number of adults serving their civic duty, voting in the last presidential election, volunteering.  So across the board, Idaho did very well.”

The states that beat us were South Carolina, at #4, then Wyoming, Alaska, and Virginia, at #1 most patriotic state in the nation..

Surprisingly, a lot of the Northeastern states that were at the epicenter of the American Revolution scored at the bottom of the list.

Connecticut ranked #45, followed by New York at #46, Illinois, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and dead last was Massachusetts…home of Paul Revere, Sam Adams and the Sons of Liberty.