3% of Idaho president says method is wrong, but message is important

Federal control of land in the West…it’s a hot button issue that is at the heart of the militia standoff in Harney County, Oregon. 3% of Idaho President Brandon Curtiss says he doesn’t agree with the method being used by Ammon Bundy and his militia compatriots, but their message is valid.

3-percent of Idaho logo

3% of Idaho logo

“I’m in contact with Ammon Bundy, I talked to him today, we don’t support how they carried that out, they’re still brothers of our up there,” said Curtiss.  “I believe Ammon’s trying to open a forum, and he’s using this measure to start opening a forum that needs to be heard.”

Curtiss and the 3%ers marched in the peaceful protest in Burns over the weekend…the occupation of the building at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge happened afterward. He says contrary to the reporting of the national media, he’s seen support for the militia in Burns.